The Organizing Committee of Biosystems Engineering 2019 is proud to present Professor John McNamara from University College Dublin as a keynote speaker for BSE 2019. Topic of Prof. McNamara is Farm Health and Safety Adoption In Ireland through Engineering and Behaviour.

Dr John McNamara is an agriculturalist and occupational health and safety (OHS) professional and works as National Health and Safety Extension Specialist Advisor for TEAGASC – the Irish State Agriculture and Food Development Authority. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor in Extension in OHS at the School of Agriculture and Food Science, University College Dublin. He is Vice Chair of the EU COST Action SACURIMA aimed at developing and exchanging knowledge on enhancing OHS Culture in Agriculture. Dr McNamara’s previous career has been as mechanization lecturer/instructor and agricultural college principal. Dr. McNamara is particularly interested in both researching and applying the Research- Extension Knowledge Transfer Model operated by Teagasc to improve OHS Culture in Agriculture.