Organizing Committee of Biosystems Engineering 2019 is delighted to announce that Dr Andre Beerlink has agreed to give a keynote speech on
Advances In X-ray Computed Tomography Technology And Their Applications In Life Sciences .

Since the start of his scientific career as an X-ray physicist at the Institute for X-Ray Physics of the University of Göttingen, Germany, Dr. Beerlink has always been involved in collaborations with scientists and researchers around the globe to explore their specimens, animals, fossils, materials, statues, molecules, biomaterial structures, and many more. His main focus in these projects has been the development and improvement of the biophysical analytical methods mostly based on X-rays to expand the limits of the commonly available analytical technologies.
Dr. Beerlink defended his doctoral thesis at the Institute for X-ray Physics, University of Göttingen on Black lipid membranes studied by x-ray phase contrast imaging. His postdoctoral fellowship he spent at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY (Hamburg, Germany) working on Soft matter synchrotron research. At the moment he works at YXLON International GmbH, Hamburg, Germany as a international sales manager, specializing on X-ray inspection and computed tomography products in universities, research institutes and museums.