The Organizing Committee of Biosystems Engineering 2020 is delighted to announce that Prof. Seref Sagiroglu has agreed to give a keynote speech on Big Data Analytics for Smart Grid Systems
Prof. Sagiroglu, born in Antalya, completed his undergraduate education in 1987 at Erciyes University, Department of Electronics Engineering. He completed his doctoral studies at the University of Wales College of Cardiff (now Cardiff University) in 1994. He continues his academic career as a professor in Software Engineering at Gazi University, Department of Computer Engineering.
Prof. Sagiroglu is an outstanding academician with h-index of 29, i10-index of 65, more than 3300 citations, 6 patents, national and international projects, he has organised more than 50 national and international events as chairman, co-chairman, or organising committee member. International events include conferences such as International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (www.iscturkey.org), IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (www.ubmk.org), Big Data and Cyber Security Sessions in IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (www.icmla-conferences.org), Big Data Analytics, Security and Privacy Workshop (www.bigdatacenter.gazi.edu.tr), National Cyber Terrorism Conference (www.siberteror.org), Big Data, Deep Learning and Fighting Cyber Terrorisms (www.cyberterrorbigdata.org) and Turkey Open Data Conference (www.acikveriturkiye.org). He is also a founding member of the Information Security Association (BGD), The Turkish Science Research Foundation (TÜBAV), and The Foundation of the People Caring for the Future (GÖNDER). He is also member of IEEE, ISACA and TBD.
Dr. Sagiroglu has carried out such duties as BGD Executive Board Member, TÜBAV General Directorate, Directorate of Institute of Science at Gazi University, the member of IEEE Biometric Task Force, President of IPv6 Council Turkey, editors of International Journal of Information Security Science (www.ijiss.org), International Journal of Information Security Engineering (www.dergipark.gov.tr/ubgmd) in Turkish and CyberMag (www.cybermag.com.tr). He is also the author of BTHABER. Prof. Sagiroglu has also voluntarily been involved in many social projects and carried out projects in Scientific Research Projects such as TUBITAK, European Union, Sectors, University BAP Unit.
Prof. Sagiroglu has delivered more than 500 seminars, talks, conference presentations at universities, schools, sectors, institutions and organisations. Recently he has been invited as keynote speaker and invited speaker in topics of Information Security, Big Data, Cyber Security and Defense, Artificial Intelligence, Biometric Applications, Innovation Culture Creation at national and international conferences.