The Organising Committee is proud to present antoher keynote speaker at the Biosystems Engineering conference. Professor Eda Merisalu from Estonian University of Life Sciences is presenting her research on prevention of occupational risks in agriculture.

Professor Eda Merisalu is a Doctor of Medical Sciences, awarded by Kaunas Medical Academy (1992). Since 1995 she has 20 years teaching and research experience on environmental and occupational health in the University of Tartu, Department of Public Health. During the last decade she is leading research on human factors (ergonomics), occupational health and safety (OHS) in the Estonian University of Life Sciences. The main research topics are: prevention of occupational risks, cognitive ergonomics and work ability, ergonomic intervention to prevent of musculoskeletal disorders, work stress and burnout, risk assessment and risk management in work environment. Based on the named topics she has published more than 200 scientific publications in high-impact international peer-reviewed journals.
Professor Eda Merisalu is a leader of the master program development on ergonomics and ergodesign. In total about 100 dissertations defended under her supervision, while a number of master theses and student research (7) have awarded with the first and third prizes and diplomas by the Estonian Research Council. She is a reviewer for different international research journals (BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, European J Public Health, Journal of Clinical Health Promotion, Agronomy Research). She is a member and national representative of ICOH (International Commission on Occupational Health), and a board member of the Society of Estonian OH Physicians. She has excellent professional experience of international collaboration with experts and research groups on OHS and ergonomics over the world, leading and coordinating more than 30 international and national research projects. Currently she is a country coordinator of the European H2020 research project SafeHabitus (Strengthening the farm Health and Safety knowledge and innovation system in Europe) with aim to improve risk awareness and risk behavior and prevent work accidents among farmers and farm workers.