It is with great pleasure that the Organising Committee of Biosystems Engineering 2021 announces another keynote speaker for this years conference.

Lessons learnt from long-term field crop experiments is the title of the presentation by Prof Evelin Loit.
Evelin Loit (PhD) is an assistant professor in crop production and genetics at the Estonian University of Life Sciences. Her main research topics are: the comparison of cropping systems (organic and conventional) in wheat, barley, field pea and potato production, including the linking of agronomy and genetics; novel crops in Estonia; crop valorization and bioeconomy. She is teaching genetics, plant breeding and crop production and she has supervised several undergraduate and graduate students. There has been five successful PhD defences under her supervision. Evelin Loit is the consortium leader for the ERA-Net project “Biofortified and climate-resilient food and fodder production on marginal soils”and she is currently a principal investigator in three more national projects. She has published over 20 peer-reviewed papers.EDIT