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BSE 2020 was held in ZOOM-based platform

on 12th October, 2020

Given the recent escalation of events related to COVID-19 the Conference BSE 2020 was held online in the ZOOM-based platform. The event was a true success and we counted with about 200 participants from all over the world.

We had 51 presentations from North America, South America, Central Europe, Scandinavia, Baltic countries, and Eastern Europe, and 69 posters from South America, Central Europe, South Europe, Northern Africa, Middle East, Baltic countries and Eastern Europe.

The videos from the Conference BSE 2020 are available in the homepage of the event: http://bse.emu.ee/ as well as the book of abstracts and accepted manuscripts: https://bse.emu.ee/publications/

We are also thankful for given us the opportunity to revise your works. We hope we can continue all the fruitful collaborations throughout the years. We look forward to seeing you in Tartu for BSE 2021.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee

Our Location

Institute of Forestry and Engineering

Estonian University of Life Sciences

Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi 56

51006 Tartu


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