The Organizing Committee of Biosystems Engineering 2025 is delighted to present our new keynote speaker from LUKE, Finland. The topic Dr. Pihlanto will be presenting is entitled “Enhanced production and consumption of plant-based protein in Finland”

Dr Anne Pihlanto holds a Principal scientist position at Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) in the area of Food and Bioproduct. Her research focuses on the studies of various protein source with main topics on processing and chemistry. She has coordinated national and international projects to diversify protein sources in Nordic and Baltic countries as well as using microbiome application in food system. At present her main activity is to increase production and consumption of plant based protein in Finland to decrease the climate impact. She is member at SCAR FOOD SYSTEMS, Nutrition negotiate municipality working under Food Advisory Council for Food Policy and external expertise in several projects. She has supervised master and PhD students as well as member in dissertation committees. Throughout her career she has published more than 200 scientific papers, authored several book chapters and presented at numerous international Conferences/Workshops.