Submission of Abstracts
Note: You can participate in the conference by submitting only an abstract. It is not compulsory to submit a full-paper.
The submission and reviewing of the abstracts for the Biosystems Engineering 2025 conference will be managed by an online conference management system called Microsft CMT. For this, you need to have an online account to submit your abstract. Please click one of the following links:
- I do not have a Microsft CMT account, please click here to create an account
Walkthrough on how to create an account.
- I already have a Microsft CMT account, please click here to log in.
Walkthrough of abstract submission process.
December 1st, 2024 Deadline for submission of abstracts
December 19th, 2024 Notification of acceptance of abstracts
April 1st, 2025 Deadline for submission of abstracts without full-paper
The abstracts of all participants will be published in the Book of Abstracts (with ISBN). Book of Abstracts will be provided in electronic format and will also be available at the conference homepage.
Guidelines for abstracts
Authors are advised to prepare concise and informative abstracts focusing on the objectives, methodology and results of the work. The scientific committee will decide based on the abstract your acceptance to the Conference to present your work and will invite you to take part in oral or poster session accordingly. Abstract should not exceed 500 words. You will be asked to submit the following information in the Microsft CMTplatform:
- Title of the paper
- Authors and their affiliations
- Relevant conference topic
- Preference for oral or poster presentation
- List of potential reviewers
There is no limit in the number of authors per abstract.
There can be up to two presenting authors for each abstract. Correspondence will be made with the presenting author(s).
The presenting author(s) will be notified about the successful submission of the abstract immediately after submission and the Reference Code will be given to each abstract. In the event that such notification was not received, please contact the organising committee at
In later communication please refer to your abstract/paper using Reference Code.
Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection will be communicated to the presenting author(s) within 10 days after submission.
If an already submitted abstract has to be changed/corrected, the new version can be uploaded in the Microsft CMT platform and the old abstract will be replaced with the new one. Reference Code for the abstract stays the same.
As there are many more abstracts submitted for oral presentations than there are available slots within the program, the Scientific Advisory Committee will select the most relevant abstracts to be presented orally at the Conference. This decision will be communicated as soon as possible. Those abstracts that have not been selected to be presented orally can be presented as posters.